The Scullabogue massacre occurred on 5th June 1798. The main rebel camp was ontop of Carrigbyrne hill about a mile from Scullabogue. Rebels had rounded up between 100 and 200 perceived loyalists and kept them in a barn to prevent them from bringing intelligence to the military. The captives were of all ages and sexes. The rebels set fire to the Barn killing everyone inside.
The memorial reads:
In Memoriam
In this place the people of Wexford
remember the victims of Scullabogue Barn
interred here and at Templeshelin
used to detain some one hundred
men, women and children
The barn was set on fire on 5 June 1798,
the day of the battle of Ross.
The remorse of the United Irish
at this outrage, a tragic departure
from their ideals, is shared
by the people of Ireland
In Iotlainn Dé go dtugrar sinn
The memorial is located in the grounds of the Church of Ireland church in Old Ross.